packing hex value for socket.send

Jeff Epler jepler at
Wed Jul 14 09:11:58 EDT 2004

You can use the "hex" codec:
>>> "hello world".encode("hex")
>>> _.decode("hex")
'hello world'

If you want to convert a structure to/from hex, you can use something like
>>> struct.pack("f", 1.0).encode("hex")
>>> struct.unpack("f", _.decode("hex"))

or encapsulate them as functions:
    def hexpack(*args):
        return struct.pack(*args).encode("hex")

    def hexunpack(f, s):
        return struct.unpack(f, s.decode("hex"))

I'm not sure why you're dealing with arrays of length-2 strings in the
php code, but if you need to split a string like '68...64' into pairs of
chracters, you can use something like
    def by_n(seq, n):
        return [seq[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(seq), n)]

>>> by_n("hello world".encode("hex"), 2)
['68', '65', '6c', '6c', '6f', '20', '77', '6f', '72', '6c', '64']

You can reverse this using str.join:
>>> "".join(_)

Good luck with your hex numbers.

PS "_" is a special variable that refers to the last value printed in
the interactive interpreter, I used it above to make the examples
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