Money formatting

Tonguc Yumruk tongucyumruk at
Sun Jul 4 05:21:38 EDT 2004

I'm trying to format an integer as money. As far as i can see there is
no strfmon() in python. I also tried the
locale.format("%.2f",100000000,True) way but it does not even made the
grouping work. I tried to hack some locale-related files (especially
/usr/share/i18n/locales/tr_TR), but it dosn't worked either. Of course I
can use brute force and make grouping and money formatting to work by
hand but I think it's not a very pythonic way. Are there any library
functions which I'm missing? Or will I have to use brute force?

My system is:
Debian GNU/Linux: Sarge
Python Version: Python 2.3.4
Locale: tr_TR.ISO8859-9

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<MrCurious> someone tell me the ban to place
<Sopwith> mrcurious: *, *
<philX> *  that's awesome.
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Tonguç Yumruk
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