Wondering about learning Python

Lee Harr missive at frontiernet.net
Thu Jul 22 17:55:07 EDT 2004

On 2004-07-22, Chris <nospam@[> wrote:
> I've written a small QBASIC program which draws a spiral. Here is the 
> code:
> FOR t = 1 TO 400 STEP .01
> x = .5 * t * COS(t)
> y = .5 * t * SIN(t)
> PSET (x + 320, y + 240)
> NEXT t
> I noticed that it generated some interesting patterns, probably as a 
> result of rounding errors.  These can be explored further by making the 
> spiral tighter.
> Anyway, I wonder if anyone would be so kind as to convert it to Python.

It is not a direct translation, but here is how I made a spiral
method for my Penguin object in pygsear

class Penguin(Turtle):
    def spiral(self, turns=1, rPerT=100, stepsPerT=60, connect=0):
        '''Make a spiral shape

        @param turns: number of times to go around the spiral.
        @param rPerT: amount spiral grows per turn.
        @param stepsPerT: number of line segments in each spiral turn.
            (more segments makes a smoother curve)
        @param connect: if True, draw a line from the center to each
            generated point on the curve.


        center = self.get_position()
        for c in range(turns * stepsPerT):
            f = (PIx2 * rPerT/stepsPerT) * (float(c) / stepsPerT)
            self.right(360.0 / stepsPerT)
            if connect:
                p = self.get_position()

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