what does 'for _ in range()' mean?

Tor Iver Wilhelmsen tor.iver.wilhelmsen at broadpark.no
Wed Jul 28 05:06:18 EDT 2004

Roy Smith <roy at panix.com> writes:

> I've never heard of that convention before.  Is it some python-specific 
> thing, or is my ignorance more global in scope?

It may derive from Prolog, where you use _ as an unbound "wildcard".
E.g. to declare that X is a parent if X is a father or mother:

parent(X) :- fatherOf(X, _), !.
parent(X) :- motherOf(X, _), !.

because you don't need to know anything about the child, just that it
exists. If you used a variable like Y, you would either also need to
say something about Y, or Y would end up in the resolved answer.

(The ! is a "cut", and means we're not interested in more than one

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