bend or redirect a class method and then call it again

Franz Steinhaeusler franz.steinhaeusler at
Thu Jul 22 02:46:53 EDT 2004

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:21:33 -0700, Scott David Daniels
<Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org> wrote:

>Does this address your problem?:
>   class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
>       def show_status(self):
>           SetStatusText("hallo")
>       def SetStatusText(self, te, text, nr=0):
>           super(MyFrame, self).SetStatusText("mytext: " + te)

thank you,

I was not exact enough.

It was not so easy, because I had to apply the super in a function
and not in the class itself.

but finally i got it to work:

#drFrame is inherited from wx.Frame
#in drFrame there are some calls to SetStatusText

import wx
from drpython import DrFrame

def Plugin(DrFrame):

  def SetStatusText(text, col):
    if col == 1:
      ind1 = text.find ("Col: ")
      if ind1 > -1:
        ind1 += len ("Col: ");
        ind2 = text.find (" ", ind1)
        nr = int (text [ind1:ind2]) + 1
        text = text [:ind1] + str (nr) + text[ind2:]
    super(type(DrFrame), DrFrame).SetStatusText(text, col)

  def NewStatusText(text, col=0):
    SetStatusText(text, col)

  setattr(DrFrame, 'SetStatusText', NewStatusText)

Is there a better/simpler/clearer solution?

thank you
Franz Steinhaeusler

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