Psyco internals

Armin Rigo arigo at
Fri Jul 30 15:10:55 EDT 2004


Christopher T King wrote:
> What makes it so difficult?

A lot of things.  But discussing the internals of Psyco on this 
newsgroup isn't a very good idea.  Please come to the psyco-devel 
mailing list.

> Implementing generators in C is trivial:

I don't think I agree with this sentence, either.

This said, I don't think that implementing real support for generators 
in Psyco is particularly difficult, in theory.  It's the practical 
problems that keep me running away from the task.  If you really want to 
invest some time in the problem, please stop musing aloud on this 
newsgroup and come talk in the psyco-devel mailing list.

BTW I just put on the paper I am going to 
present to the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 conference, which gives a (partially 
theoretical) description of how Psyco works.


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