Modifying func closure

Michele Simionato michele.simionato at
Sun Jul 11 00:28:25 EDT 2004

"Robert Brewer" <fumanchu at> wrote in message news:<mailman.214.1089484067.5135.python-list at>...
> Off-list, Jacek gave some reasons for preferring closures over classes.
> Jacek, can I post them so we can discuss them further? Perhaps we could
> revisit mutable closures.

I am sure Jacek's reasons are pretty good ones. He already wrote a lot
previous threads on c.l.p. One of the things that disturb me is that
faking functions with callable objects sucks. You need to write
something like

class function(object):
    def __init__(self,func):
    def __call__(self,*args,**kw):
        return self.__func__(*args,**kw)
    def __get__(self,obj,cls=None):
        return self.__func__.__get__(obj,cls)

to have the callable objects respect the descriptor protocol as if
they were functions. This is too verbose for my taste. So I prefer
to return real function by using a closure instead of a class (but
then read-write closures becomes important). Alternatively, I would
need a
way to subclass from FunctionType. More or this thread:

    Michele Simionato

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