IronPython-0.6 is now available!

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Wed Jul 28 19:27:28 EDT 2004

Neuruss wrote:

> IronPython is currently at a pre-alpha stage suitable for
> experimentation but not for serious development work.

This is great news! It could be an answer to those who need 'compiled' 
python[*]. And cross-platform too![**]

[*] Yes, there's py2exe, and .net means IL, but it's an .exe!
[**] .net for windows, mono for unix systems :)

Btw. has any serious python-lover tried C#? I was sceptical, it comming 
from Microsoft, but I'm reading a book about it now ("Programming C#"), 
and I'm getting really impressed - it could be a very productive 
language, and speedy also.

What part of "Ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" don't
you understand?

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