nonascii symbols

Troels Therkelsen t_therkelsen at
Sat Jul 10 07:10:29 EDT 2004

In article <4dLHc.994550$Pk3.764369 at pd7tw1no>, Elaine Jackson wrote:
> What's the trick for using nonascii symbols in string literals?

Here's one way of doing it:
Python 2.4a1 (#1, Jul  9 2004, 21:24:13) 
[GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (release)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print "\xef"

Or, in other words, use backslash+x+hexadecimal number representing the byte
value of the symbol you wish to use.  Be aware that exactly which symbol
appears when printed depends on the character encoding of your terminal.

For all the ways of doing this see:

Best regards,

Troels Therkelsen

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