How big is python24.dll?

David Fraser davidf at
Tue Jul 13 10:10:38 EDT 2004

Thomas Heller wrote:
> David Fraser <davidf at> writes:
>>Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>>Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) wrote:
>>>>Ouch. Did changing to .Net 2003 add that much overhead? Do we know
>>>>what it would be with VC6?
>>>No, and no. python24.dll incorporates many extension modules which
>>>were separate .pyd files before. In particular, it contains all .pyd
>>>files which don't require additional libraries (DLLs or external
>>>libraries).  A number of new extension modules were added for 2.4
>>>also, which got incorporated into python24.dll.
>>>If you want to know the precise numbers, create a list of DLLs for
>>>Python 2.3, and a similar list for Python 2.4, and see what files
>>>went away. Also, compare the list of builtin modules to find out what
>>>modules have been added since 2.3.
>>>If this kind of combination has any effect on the size, it rather
>>>causes to safe space than to waste it: that way, Python ships with
>>>less DLLs, which means fewer files, and less overhead for DLL data
>>It may save space for the standard Python build. But it will make it
>>harder to save space on py2exe or frozen Python programs for example...
> IIRC, Martin did this change because I requested it, with py2exe in
> mind.
> If you really want the smallest file size in the py2exe builds, you may
> as well compile your own Python.dll, including only those modules as
> buildins which you really need.

OK, that's fine. How does it help py2exe then? Does anyone have a list 
of the modules added?


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