ANN: NamerTamer Photo Processor

Justin Shaw wyojustin at
Mon Jul 26 20:30:38 EDT 2004

Check out NamerTamer at   I have had
this project on sourceforge for quite a while with little to no activity.
If your a digital photographer and your not interested, I want to know why.
You can rename a whole slew of images, remove redeye, and rotate them in a
jiff.  No heavy lifting here, everyone already has their favorite image
editor already.  Give it a try and give me some feed back whether you like
the program or not.


NamerTamer is a photo processor designed to speed up and simplify the common
tasks associated with digital photo management: renaming, rotating,
cropping, red eye editing, and thumbnailing. Each task is expedited via a
"Hot-Key" sequence using either the <Ctrl> or <Alt> key to avoid menu
navigation and to minimize mouse utilization.
The speed gained comes at the expense of oft-relied upon safety nets. Files
can be deleted or over-written without warning or recourse. For this reason
it is recommended that you practice with NamerTamer using a test directory
containing copies of the original images. All photo edits are un-doable
which provides a degree of safety. The two actions with permanent
repercussions are saving and deleting. NamerTamer makes both of these
actions easy and quick to accomplish, with the assumption that the user will
wield these powers with the requisite care.

Initially I wrote NamerTamer simply to rename the images after uploading
them from a digital camera. Windows XP's Explorer was almost up to this task
as thumbnails of the images can easily be viewed and rotated directly in
Explorer. Renaming several images is cumbersome and requires jumping back
and forth between the keyboard and mouse for each image. Another minor peeve
was that the extension had to be retyped for each image.

NamerTamer -- Makes common tasks easy and leaves the rest to GIMP.

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