avoiding long startup time in unit testing

John Roth newsgroups at jhrothjr.com
Sat Jul 3 06:45:15 EDT 2004

"Michele Simionato" <michele.simionato at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:4edc17eb.0407022306.53b55581 at posting.google.com...
> There are situations in which you have to setup a faily sophisticated
> environment before running your tests. This may result in a long
> startup
> time. In my case (using PloneTestCase) the time taken to import all
> the
> needed libraries, create a plone site and set up the environment, is
> so
> long that practically I cannot use my good old Pentium II for running
> the test cases. Notice that the problem is not in the time spent on
> the
> tests which is really marginal (I typically run only one or two tests,
> I am not talking about running the full test suite), it is all startup
> time. This is terrible for me since I usually run the tests often
> (say every minute) and if I have a minute of startup time at each run
> my productivity is cut in half. It is essentially the same feeling
> that
> using a compiled language :-(
> So, you could tell me "Why don't you use your newer, much faster
> laptop
> and you are done with it?". The answer is that I have a special
> affection
> for my old laptop ;) I did a lot of Python work with it and it is
> still
> fast enough for most applications.
> The problem is with the testing framework. If I am just fixing a
> misprint in my test case I don't want all the plone site to be
> recreated from zero, I want just to re-run the fixed test. For
> instance, I would like to highlight the given test with Emacs and
> run it, without recreating the site each time.
> I did some experiment hacking unittest and I can get something
> interesting,
> such as a command-line interface where you initialize the stuff only
> once,
> you reload the module you want to test, and you run the tests for that
> module.
> However, this is a hack, and I don't know how much robust it is
> (probably not
> very). I wonder and I ask here on the mailing list if there is already
> some
> testing framework that does what I am talking about.
> I am interested in something general, not necessarely related to
> Zope/Plone.

Well, that's good because I can't talk about Zope/Plone. The best
answer I have is the standard answer from XP:

Use mock objects and simulators to make your unit tests run
fast, and then run them again (possibly overnight) with the full
production environment to insure that your mocks and simulators
didn't cover up anything.

The other thing is that it isn't that unusual to hack unittest (jUnit,
etc) to initialize a hard-to-initialize resource at the beginning of
a test run and reuse the initialized resource for all the tests. It's
not ideal because it can create hard to find inter-test dependencies,
but sometimes it's necessary to get the most tests running in the
shortest possible time.

John Roth

> Thanks,
>             Michele Simionato

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