Visual Studio not installed

Jeff Shannon jeff at
Tue Jul 13 18:11:15 EDT 2004

Nick Smallbone wrote:

>"Darren Dale" <dd55 at> wrote...
>>I wonder if the windows version could be compiled with a free
>Should be - MinGW or Cygwin should work. I've compiled it with Watcom before
>( And you can get the compiler of Visual C++
>without the IDE -

But keep in mind that both the interpreter and all C extensions need to 
be compiled with the same compiler.  Most people who write extensions 
plan for them to be used with Visual Studio 6, since that's what the distribution uses.  If you use some other compiler, then 
you'll have to recompile every extension you install, and you may need 
to tweak things to get it to work.  It's probably easier, in the long 
run, to download and figure out MS's free command-line version of VC++ 
(or to talk someone who already has it into compiling the extension in 
question for you)...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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