Python and KDE

Dylan Parry usenet at
Fri Jul 23 07:04:17 EDT 2004


I've got a couple of question regarding Python integration with KDE in

I was wondering if it is possible, through some module, to check
whether the screensaver is running in KDE? The reason being that I have
some Python applications that I have running all of the time while I am
logged in to KDE, but as they provide purely eye candy I would like to
make it so they basically do nothing while the screensaver is running,
thus reducing the processor overhead and saving a minute amount of power!

I would also like to be able to play a wav file, or similar, given a
certain condition in an IF statement. Is it possible to play sounds using
Python? If so, how would I go about it?

Thank for your help folks,

Dylan Parry - FREE Web tutorials and references

'I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.' -- A A Milne

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