Typed Python?

Jacek Generowicz jacek.generowicz at cern.ch
Tue Jul 6 07:04:46 EDT 2004

Ville Vainio <ville at spammers.com> writes:

> >>>>> "Jacek" == Jacek Generowicz <jacek.generowicz at cern.ch> writes:
>     Jacek> Ville Vainio <ville at spammers.com> writes:
>     >> Only the academics seem to think Scheme is easier to learn
>     >> than, say Python or even C. Students often disagree.
>     Jacek> Sounds great; I bet it makes a lot of Python fans feel warm
>     Jacek> and fuzzy inside. Unfortunately the claim is completely
>     Jacek> unfounded.
>     Jacek> You should take a look at what the TeachScheme people have
>     Jacek> been doing, and what they seem to be achieving.
> I took a look at the TeachScheme website. One example program in
> particular caught my eye in http://www.teach-scheme.org/Talks/.


> I'd like to see an example program, targeted at, say, 12 year olds,
> where Scheme beats Python in simplicity (one that is not a compiler,
> mind you ;-).

That example does indeed look crap (the way you report it; haven't
looked at it directly) in many ways (the most important probably being
that anyone new to programming should be kept as far from C++ as
possible; actually showing the stuff should be considered a criminal

I was referring to the success reported by the people who are using
the material provided by the TeachScheme project, in teaching
introductory programming courses in school.

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