what does 'for _ in range()' mean?

David Eppstein eppstein at ics.uci.edu
Wed Jul 28 02:39:59 EDT 2004

In article <2moucmFo8dpdU1 at uni-berlin.de>,
 Jon Perez <jbperez808 at wahoo.com> wrote:

> I saw this code snippet:
> sock.listen(20)
> for _ in range(20):
>      newsock, client_addr = sock.accept()
>      print "Client connected:", client_addr
>      data[newsock] = ""
> why use _ for this example?  Is there any
> optimization to be had using it?
> I know that in the interpreter _ means the
> last value calculated, but what does _ mean
> inside source code?

AFAIK it's just a variable like any other, but by convention it means 
that you don't intend to use that value, just read it and ignore it.

David Eppstein
Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California, Irvine

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