Any suggestions for a Unified Information Manager ?

Paul Sweeney reverse.ku.oc.issolok at
Fri Jul 16 11:08:23 EDT 2004

Does anyone know of a tool (python, obviously ;-) for managing ALL your
information needs in one place?

I'm talking about contacts,email, ICQ/MSN, Website favourites, RSS, To-do
lists, infobases, faqs, newsgroups etc.etc. etc.

I thought I'd find a Zope app to do something like this, but couldn't find

What I want to do is route all my information needs through a web-visible
service on a PC at my house for central storage, search facilities etc. I'd
even route SMS messages with the system through an SMS2EMAIL gateway so
they'd be stored against the relevant contact.  I'd then be able to access
ALL my information from anywhere (security would be a vital feature here)
via a single portal (so throw away separate outlook, newsreader,msn client,
rss client etc).  I think there's a microsoft passport application doing
something similar (can't remember the name, was it allbeit on a
smaller scale, but I simply wouldn't trust them with all my data.

Any ideas anyone?

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