simple parsing help

wes weston wweston at
Sun Jul 25 09:20:00 EDT 2004

Steve wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a string that looks kinda like "Winner (121,10) blah blah blah 
> Winner (10,400) blah blah Winner (103,4) blah blah..."
> I just want to extract the coordinate parts of the string (xxx,xxx)
> which could be 1-3 characters and put them into an array ideally. 
> What is the easiest way to do this in Python?  Can anyone provide a
> simple line or two of code to help me get started?
> Thanks very much,
> Steve

    Here's a long hand version (that makes assumptions).
str = "Winner (121,10) blah blah blah Winner (10,400) blah blah Winner (103,4) blah blah"

list = str.split()
pts = []
for s in list:
     if (s[0] == '(' ) and (s[-1]== ')' ):
             temp = s[1:-1].split(',')
             pts.append( (int(temp[0]), int(temp[1])) )

for p in pts:
     print p[0],p[1]


121 10
10 400
103 4

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