Short if

Steven Rumbalski srumbalski at
Thu Jul 8 22:50:35 EDT 2004

Antoon Pardon wrote:

> Op 2004-07-07, Peter Hansen schreef <peter at>:
>> ellisjb at wrote:
>>> Reading the voting results I don't see why this was rejected.  The way
>>> I read it those in favor of some form of ternary operator seem to have
>>> well over 50% of the vote.
>> Answered at the top of the PEP, in the introduction:
>> Clear enough?
> Not really.  The question I have is whether the majority would
> prefer an if-then-else expression in an other format than
> there preference over not having an if-then-else expression.
As I recall from discussions at the time there were a number of people who
supported only specific forms of a ternary operator while being vehemently
opposed to other forms (often because of a perceived lack of readability of
competing options).  Therefore those in favor of a ternary operator, while
appearing to constitute a majority, are more acurately described as
fragmented minorities.  Hence, the (unfortunate) status quo.

Steven Rumbalski

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