progress bar

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Sun Jan 25 19:48:42 EST 2004

> Newbie questions...what is meant by the term 'GUI framework'?  I'm
> aware of Tkinter, wxPython and PythonCard (which, I believe builds
> from a wxPython foundation).  Also, it appears as though pywin.mfc has
> GUI capabilities.  Are Tkinter, wxPython, PythonCard and pywin.mfc
> considered GUI frameworks?  Based on the 'more than enough...' remark,
> it sounds like there are several GUI frameworks out there...what are
> some others?

Really, a GUI framework is a set of stuff that allows the construction 
of a GUI more easily.

One could, with a bitmap drawing function, get mouse click and get key 
press, create a GUI.  This is a pain in the ass.  All the GUI frameworks 
available allow one to do that if they want, but also allow one to use 
predefined sets of operations, objects, etc., commonly in a heirarchy, 
to produce a GUI that is easier to write and to update.

There is a listing of GUI toolkits for various languages and platforms 
available here:
(I'm feeling lucky entry at google for 'python gui frameworks' )

  - Josiah

P.S. I very much enjoy using wxPython.

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