Checking for duplicate instances of a script...

Joakim Hove hove at
Wed Jan 21 07:42:53 EST 2004

"Guillaume Dargaud" <NOusenetSPAM at> writes:

> Hello, python beginner here,
> How can I make sure that a given script is never run more than once at the
> same time in a system ?

This can probably be done in *many* different ways, maybe there is
even an agreed upon on best solution. This is a small suggestion
based on fcntl.flock() (Unix only I am afraid):

import struct, fcntl
import sys
lockfile = "/tmp/.lock"

## Open a file-descriptor for the lock file.
lockH = open(lockfile,"w")

## Try to aquire an exclusive lock on the lock file.
    fcntl.flock(lockH , fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError,e:
    sys.exit("Lockfile %s already locked - an instance is probably already running" % lockfile)

## Your code ...

## Release the lock again
fcntl.flock(lockH, fcntl.LOCK_UN)

 / Joakim Hove  / hove at  /  (55 5) 84076       |                 \
 | Unifob AS, Avdeling for Beregningsvitenskap (BCCS) | Stabburveien 18 |
 | CMU                                                | 5231 Paradis    |
 \ Thormøhlensgt.55, 5020 Bergen.                     | 55 91 28 18     /

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