Accessing Microsoft Word from Python

John J. Lee jjl at
Fri Jan 23 07:37:55 EST 2004

Rene Pijlman < at> writes:

> Mickel Grönroos:
> >Does anybody have any good pointers on where I can find information 
> >about accessing Word-documents (or other Microsoft Office applications) 
> >from Python?
> This book: explains how to access
> Excel from Python. It also explains COM-interfacing in general.

O'Reilly used to have a book on Word's object model by Steven Roman.
Haven't read it, and I don't know if it's still published/up-to-date,
but I know Roman's book on MS Access is good (haven't looked, but I
guess the ref you give above is another book by the same author).


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