Text-to-HTML processing program

phil hunt philh at invalid.email.address
Sat Jan 3 04:52:59 EST 2004

On 02 Jan 2004 22:18:56 -0800, Paul Rubin <http://phr.cx@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote:
>philh at invalid.email.address (phil hunt) writes:
>> Does anyone know of a text-to-HTML processing program, ideally
>> written in Python because I'll probably be wanting to make small
>> modifications to it, which is simple and straightforward to use
>> and which uses a simple markup language (something like Wikipedia
>> markup would be ideal)?
>I really wish Wikipedia, BBCodes, and all that would just use regular
>HTML instead of continually inventing new "simplified" markup codes
>for users to remember.  The one thing they do that's useful is convert
>blank lines to <p>.

Wikipedia markup is significantly easier to use than HTML. Compare:

This is a ''list'':
* A list
* [http://www.cabalamat.org/ my website]
* [http://slashdot.org/ Slashdot]


<p>This is a <i>list</i>: 
<li><a href='http://www.cabalamat.org/'>my website</a></li>
<li><a href='http://slashdot.org/'>Slashdot</a></li>

"It's easier to find people online who openly support the KKK than 
people who openly support the RIAA" -- comment on Wikipedia
(Email: <zen20000 at zen.co.ku>, but first subtract 275 and reverse 
the last two letters).  

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