ProtoCiv: porting Freeciv to Python CANNED

Nick Vargish nav+posts at
Fri Jan 16 11:05:09 EST 2004

"Brandon J. Van Every" <try_vanevery_at_mycompanyname at> writes:

> I've also become extremely disillusioned with Open Source developers.
> Basically, for a commercially minded developer such as myself, I don't think
> they're any value add at all.

"I've become very disillusioned with cats. For a stick-fetching minded
person like myself, I don't think they make good pets at all."

Well, duh!

> I'm also starting to downright despise Linuxers.  If I see another project
> that's "cross-platform, so long as your platform is Linux," I'm going to cut
> someone's head off.

And you seemed to want something cross-platform, as long as it runs on
.NET. I don't see your position being any better, from a
cross-platform standpoint, than that of the "Linuxers".

Wait, let's look at the FreeCiv download page: I even see Win32, Mac OS-X, and
OS/2. That seems pretty damn cross-platform to me.

> Rather, it's always the induhvidual's responsibility to
> download and install all the needed component libraries.

If their distro doesn't include the components, they will go and get
them, or switch to a different distro. Your preferred platform comes
in only one distro, which means there's no incentive for the provider
to include a wide selection of components. Actually, your provider is
disincentivesed from including components other than the ones they

Other than being frustrating for you, I think the Linuxers have made a
much more rational choice of platforms than you have.

> Or requiring Cygwin or MinGW, which real Windows developers don't want to
> use.

Where "real Windows developers" == "Brandon Van Every". I see plenty
of open source Windows projects with compilation instructions that
require the use of Cygwin or MinGW. 

> Whether my Freeciv VS .NET 2003 build makes it into the official Freeciv
> source pool remains to be seen.  The Freeciv people are, after all, a bunch
> of Linuxers.

I'm guessing it won't, especially since rejecting it means they won't
have to continue dealing with someone like you.

Consider me trolled,


#  sigmask  ||  0.2  ||  20030107  ||  public domain  ||  feed this to a python
print reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(ord(y)-1),' Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAcboefstobudi/psh?')

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