Recurring dates module [was: Project dream]

eltronic at eltronic at
Mon Jan 5 00:39:53 EST 2004

<skip at> writes:
>     eltronic> rats, datetime IIR is only py2.3 unless it already 
> works in
>     eltronic> py2* or some kind soul has backported it ala sets and 
> some of
>     eltronic> itertools. 
> Tim originally wrote datetime in Python.  You can grab the latest 
> version
> from the CVS sandbox:
recur's test use of datetime rev=1.159 
didn't require any tweak.
recur itself only needs
from __future__ import generators
from enumerate import enumerate

and /python22/lib/
which was easy enough to create.

> There has been recent discussion on python-dev about what to do with 
> the
> Python version of a module after it's been rewritten in C.  It would 
> be nice
> if someone figured out a way to keep in sync with the C

deep dreaming.
a program to produce specifications of a 
modules functions from just the module itself?
all such modules include a _version or something?

maybe I can find the unit tests from py2.3
and see if any errors turn up.

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