Article: The New Python - Part 1 - Types and Objects

Shalabh Chaturvedi shalabh at
Mon Jan 12 05:31:37 EST 2004

Announcing the initial public draft of:

The New Python
Part 1 - Types and Objects

>From the abstract:

"Describes the different new-style objects, and how they are related in the
new Python world order (i.e. version 2.2 and up). The system is described
in a ground up fashion, with plenty of diagrams. The system described is
sometimes called the Python type system, or the object model."

and preface:

"To gain a better understanding of what <type 'object'> and <type 'type'>
are, how classes, built-in types and class instances are related, and where
metaclasses come from, I drew some paper diagrams while reading various
official documentation on the subject. This book is a collection of those
diagrams, accompanied by a portion of theory and examples."

One big html file:

Multiple small html files:

Feedback greatly appreciated! 

Please send comments, suggestions, questions and corrections to
shalabh at

Shalabh Chaturvedi

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