wxPython worries

MetalOne jcb at iteris.com
Fri Jan 16 01:57:55 EST 2004

I have recently been trying to build some GUIs with wxWindows.  The
first problem that I ran across involved not being able to send and
event from a worker thread to the GUI thread and get the GUI thread to
process the event while the user had a menu pulled down.  I wrote a
bug report and this has since been fixed.  Tkinter has issues here
also.  There is no means for a worker thread to put an event in the
GUI thread.

The second problem that I have run across is that tab order between
controls is the order that controls are added.  You can't get tabbing
to skip a control.  If you dynamically add/remove controls you can't
achieve your desired tab order.

wxWindows seems like a very impressive work.  The demo is certainly
impressive.  I also suppose I shouldn't rant to much about something
that is free.  However my first two GUIs hit critical problems, and
these were really simple GUIs.  Granted, the first problem has been
fixed now, and I have not yet written a bug report on the second.

Tkinter is also giving me problems.  I have been trying to add
controls to a canvas and to have a scrollbar that will scroll the
controls on the canvas.  I think I have it figured out now, but it is
damn near impossible to figure out from the documentation.  I had to
scour the internet looking for solutions.

I have also played with displaying video in both wxWindows and Tk.
I have raw gray scale data simply as a list of values range 0-255. 
Using PIL I can easily convert to a format wxWindows and Tk can
display.  I get around 30 fps with wxWindows and 15 fps with Tk. 
However, all images wxWindows displays must be full 24-bit color.  If
the images didn't need to be expanded to (r,g,b) I would expect
signifcant speed up.  I don't know why Tk is so much slower.

wxWindows and Tk are the only toolkits that wrap native Windows
controls.  The others all emulate controls.  I am thinking about
trying out another toolkit.

I am having enough trouble convincing people to use Python.  I'd never
be able to get my work to purchase Qt.  They would prefer to do
everything in VB6.

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