Creating a capabilities-based restricted execution system

John Roth newsgroups at
Sat Jan 3 19:44:42 EST 2004

"Aahz" <aahz at> wrote in message
news:bt7lbp$ovg$1 at
> In article <vveg0bb6is2f60 at>,
> John Roth <newsgroups at> wrote:
> >"Sean R. Lynch" <seanl at> wrote in message
> >news:9Jecnc6TZdy4lGqiXTWc-w at
> >> John Roth wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Yes, you're missing something really obvious. Multi-level security
> >>> is a real difficult problem if you want to solve it in a believable
> >>> (that is, bullet-proof) fashion. The only way I know of solving it
> >>> is to provide separate execution environments for the different
> >>> privilege domains.  In the current Python structure, that means
> >>> different interpreters so that the object structures don't intermix.
> >>
> >> Hmmm, can you give me an example of a Python application that works
> >> this way? Zope seems to be doing fine using RestrictedPython.
> >> RestrictedPython is, in fact, an attempt to provide different
> >> execution environments within the same memory space, which is the
> >> whole point of my exercise. Now, I know that the lack of an example
> >> of insecurity is not proof of security, but can you think of a way to
> >> escape from RestrictedPython's environment? DoS is still possible,
> >> but as I'm not planning on using this for completely untrusted users,
> >> I'm not too concerned about that.
> >
> >Restricted Python was withdrawn because of a number of holes, of which
> >new style classes were the last straw.
> RestrictedPython was *not* withdrawn; rexec was withdrawn.  This is a
> difficult enough issue to discuss without confusing different modules.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. The Zope page you reference
says that they were (prior to 2.1) doing things like modifying generated
byte code and reworking the AST. That's fun stuff I'm sure, but it
doesn't have anything to do with "Restricted Execution" as defined in the
Python Library Reference, Chapter 17, which covers Restricted Execution,
RExec and Bastion (which was also withdrawn.)

If I confused you with a subtle nomenclature difference, sorry. I don't
care what Zope is doing or not doing, except for the fact that it seems
to come up in this discussion. I'm only concerned with what Python is
(or is not) doing. The approach in the Wiki page you pointed to does,
however, seem to be a substantially more bullet-proof approach than
Python's Restricted Execution.

John Roth

> -- 
> Aahz (aahz at           <*>
> Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers
> programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy

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