when x process isn't running... do something

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at nospam.uci.edu
Fri Jan 23 15:21:59 EST 2004

Bart Nessux wrote:

> Bart Nessux wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> I'm trying to time how long it takes dd to run on a G5, versus how 
>> long it takes to run on a G4 (PATA vs. SATA). Both sytems have Mac OS 
>> X 10.3.2 and Python 2.3. Could someone demonstrate how I might use 
>> Python to monitor for the presense of a process and to do something 
>> (in this case send an email which I know how to do) as soon as that 
>> process is no longer present? Any suggestions on how to monitor? Call 
>> top every 5 secs and read it's output searching for 'dd'???
>> TIA,
>> Bart
> I forgot to mention the fact that I already know when the process began. 
> All I need to know is when it ends and then I can calculate the part in 
> between those two points.

Why not just:

import time
import os
start = time.time()
s = os.system('dd <args>')
print time.time()-start

  - Josiah

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