
Bart Nessux bart_nessux at
Tue Jan 27 19:47:39 EST 2004

Thank you both for the info on threads in Python it was very helpful to 
me, I've written something that I think can benefit from threading... 
here is the code, I copied this from a few books and a few Web examples 
and modified it to suit my test:

class trivialthread(threading.Thread):
    def url_open(self):
       for x in xrange(999999):
          f = urllib.urlopen("")

          print self, x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    threads = []
    for x in range(15):
       thread = trivialthread()
    for thread in threads:
    while threading.activeCount() > 0:
        print str(threading.activeCount()), "threads running incl. main"

However, when this runs, the output looks like this:

16 threads running incl. main
1 threads running incl. main
1 threads running incl. main
1 threads running incl. main
1 threads running incl. main
1 threads running incl. main
1 threads running incl. main

Why does the 16 appear initially and then be replaced by 1? Are there no 
longer 16 threads running? If so, why not?


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