confusion about Exception Mechanism

Isaac To kkto at
Wed Jan 14 20:36:17 EST 2004

>>>>> "Zachary" == Zachary  <Z_kline at> writes:

    Zachary> Hello, I'm relatively new at Python, and am slightly confused
    Zachary> about how the try...except mechanism is supposed to work.  I am
    Zachary> just not sure how it would be used, as it just seems that it is
    Zachary> another sort of loop.  Is their any sort of example I could
    Zachary> look at, that has an example of how it is applied?  I haven't
    Zachary> really seen any such full example.

How you think that exception is a kind of loop?  E.g., documentation where
you get that idea?  If any documentation leads you to think that way, the
documentation must be clarified (e.g., by modifying it).


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