Numeric Python and C

John Hunter jdhunter at
Wed Jan 14 23:19:14 EST 2004

>>>>> "Ognen" == Ognen Duzlevski <maketo at> writes:

    Ognen> Hi, can someone explain how to change a value within an
    Ognen> array from a C function?

Warning: I am not a Numeric C API guru.

For 1D arrays I use the following macro

// get x[i] from a 1d array of type xtype
#define get1d(x,i,xtype) \
*(xtype *)(x->data+i*x->strides[0])

You can assign to the return value of this, as in

  count = 0;
  while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) {
    get1d(p,count,float) = atof(row[0]);
    get1d(v,count,int) = atoi(row[1]);

where p and v are 1D numeric arrays.

You'll have to do a bit more work for 2D arrays, but this may speed
you on your way....


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