I come not to bury C++, but to praise it...

Rainer Deyke rainerd at eldwood.com
Tue Jan 13 18:49:28 EST 2004

Derek wrote:
> You also seem to have a narrow view of C++ as a strictly OO language
> when in fact it supports several programming paradigms (write whatever
> you want: template metaprograms, modules, procedures, classes, etc.).

C++ is rather similar to Python in this respect.  ;-)

I currently have two languages that I regularily use: C++ and Python.  C++
produces faster programs, gives direct access to the hardware, and has many
third-party libraries that Python doesn't have.  Python is more concise,
more flexible, safer, and has its own set of libraries that C++ doesn't
have.  Both have their place.  None of the other languages I've looked at
(with the possible exception of Common Lisp) seem to offer me anything that
I can't find in either Python or C++, and many of them (Java in particular)
are far too restrictive for my taste.

Rainer Deyke - rainerd at eldwood.com - http://eldwood.com

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