[OT] Database reporting software

David Segall DavidSegall at nowhere.net
Fri Jan 9 11:05:58 EST 2004

Steve Horsley <shoot at the.moon> wrote:

>I have an existing system working on MS Access, and software that 
>regularly logs events into it (and deletes old events after a year).
>Now need to move to real servers, probably Solaris though possibly 
>Linux. Modifying the software to update the database (maybe mySQL or 
>Oracle) contents is easy enough, but how do I produce reports 
>(statistics and summaries) on the database contents?
>I could contemplate web based or application based report generation, 
>but are there easy to use draggy-droppy report designing applications 
>around? Just the names would enable me to look them up.
>I am struggling with OpenOffice.org at the moment, trying to see if it 
>can do what I'm looking for, but it doesn't seem to be able to do GROUP 
>BY and SUM() - simple aggregation stuff.
>All suggestions would be very welcome.
If your new database has an ODBC driver the easiest solution would be
to keep your existing Access reporting by linking the tables to an
Access database running on a Windows machine. Oracle definitely
provides an ODBC driver as does the open source PostrgreSQL. I don't
know about mySQL.

If that is not desirable then Crystal Reports
may be the answer. I hate coding reports using Crystal Reports but I'm
sure that you can, eventually, produce any conceivable report using
it. I don't think it is available under Linux or Solaris but it could
connect from a Windows machine to a database running on a Linux or
Solaris server.

If you want a machine and operating system independent report writer
the most polished open source, portable solution I have come across is
the combination of iReport (http://ireport.sourceforge.net/) and
JasperReports (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperreports/).

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