Python used in Freedom Force

Wayne Folta wfolta at
Tue Jan 13 23:29:52 EST 2004

I don't know if it's been discussed since the game came out a while 
ago, but I was looking through some temp files that were installed with 
the game Freedom Force (a very fun game) and the scenarios are 
programmed in Python! (This is on the Mac, but I assume it also used 
Python on the PC.)

An example of the code is:

def OnPowerup(object, hero):
         if (object == 'powerup5'):
                 speakNoCB('minute_man', 'MISSPCH_1_MM_12')
         elif (object == 'powerup1') or (object == 'powerup6'):
                 speakNoCB('minute_man', 'MISSPCH_1_MM_11')
         Object_SetAttr(object, 'used', 1)

def OnInterrogation(char, hero):
         print 'OnInterrogation'
         Object_SetAttr(char, 'used', 1)
#       kill(char)


# chase
def startChase(event):
         startPatrol('runfciv', 3, run = 1, priority = ai.goal.PRI_HI)
         addMoveGoal('thugb16', Get_ObjectPos('runfciv'), fn = 

def continueChase(event):
         addMoveGoal('thugb16', Get_ObjectPos('runfciv'), fn = 

def endChase(event):
         speakNoCB('runfciv', 'MISSPCH_1_F1_02')

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