pexpect exceptions

Manuel de Ferran mgoogle at
Wed Jan 28 04:21:49 EST 2004

Michael Surette <msurette at> wrote in message news:<pan.2004. at>...
> I have been trying to automate the changing of passwords using python and
> pexpect.  I wrote a script as a test and it works, except that it gives me
> an exception when it stops running:
> Exception exceptions.OSError: 
> (10, 'No child processes') in <bound method spawn.__del__ of
> <pexpect.spawn instance at 0x403d938c>> ignored
> What is happening and how do I get rid of the exception?
> I am running python 2.3.2 under Slackware linux 9.1 and pexpect 0.99. 
> Here is the script:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import pexpect
> import sys
> if len(sys.argv) != 3:
>   print 'usage error!'
>   raise SystemExit
> name= sys.argv[1]
> passwd= sys.argv[2]
> a= pexpect.spawn('passwd %s'%name)
> changed= False
> while not changed:
>   i= a.expect(['[Nn]ew password:','[Cc]hanged'])
>   if i == 0:
>     a.sendline(passwd)
>   elif i == 1:
>     changed= True

I have the same issue with the following code :
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''This runs "ls -l" on a remote host using SSH.
    At the prompts enter hostname, user, and password.
import pexpect
import getpass

host = raw_input('Hostname: ')
user = raw_input('User: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')

child = pexpect.spawn("ssh -l %s %s /bin/ls -l"%(user, host))



print child.before

This is a slighty modified version of (shipped with
pexpect-examples). I've only added "print,'middle',child.isalive()"
and I get the same exception : "exceptions.OSError: (10, 'No child

The weird thing I can't explain is that, I don't get the exception
without ",child.alive()"

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