Comments requested: brief summary of Python

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Feb 24 14:14:18 EST 2004

Cameron Laird wrote:
> Josiah Carlson  <jcarlson at> wrote:
> >Each version felt very much like you were holding someone's hand.
> >Moosebumps made a good suggestion to offer a short program, and describe
> >it as you go along.  In languages where you can insert a comment
> >virtually anywhere, you could document the code, describing the syntax
> >and features of the languages as you go along.  For those additional
> >language features (like lists, tuples, dicts, etc. in Python, and other
> >in other languages), having a section at the end describing the basic
> >(and advanced) data structures available to the language, seems to make
> >sense to me.
> Me, too.  Josiah hits it just right.

This reminds me of something I just saw, in a little different context.
It's a coding standard, not a language description, but there's enough
similarity to the idea above that I thought it worth mentioning.  It's
Will Wake's "Java Coding Standard on a Page":

Would be interesting to see the same idea applied to language descriptions,
distilled right down to the essence.


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