Python: GUI Builder

Stewart Midwinter stewart at
Thu Feb 26 01:14:31 EST 2004

On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 11:07:12 +0530
Anand K Rayudu <anand at> spake thusly:

> I am new to python & want to build some GUI dialogs.
> Can some one please suggest some document reference.


I've been through this quite recently, and am still on the steep end of the
learning curve. 

Sounds like you are toward the 'leisure class' end of the Pythonista scale. If
so, you may be most interesteed in easygui. It's a subset of the Tkinter
widgets, but without the event-driven programming that other toolsets require
you to painfully learn.  You can use it for procedural types of events.   

easygui doesn't require that you install anything beyond Tkinter, which is
standard in Python. 

If you're a little further along the curve, maybe you want to try Tkinter
itself.  Fredrick Lundh's 1999 book is a good start.  But I found chapters 6-9
of Mark Lutz'  Programming Python book, 2001, to have some pertinent examples
and an approach that builds skill upon skill. 

There are a number of books and websites out there on Tkinter, making it the
best documented of the toolkits.  

While you're looking at Tkinter, take a look at the Pmw set of widgets that
extend Tkinter's basic set.  The demo for Pmw is a great way to examine the
source code for these widgets and see how they work.   I posted an example on
the list earlier today.   

Next in line is probably wxPython, which is much less well documented, and there
are others as well.   These are a good set to start with.

Stewart Midwinter
running on Mandrake Linux 9.2
PGP public key at:
e-mail: Stewart 'at', stewart 'at'
voice: +1.403.714.4329

Umwelt schuetzen, Rad benuetzen!

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