"ulimit -s" has no effect?

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at nospam.uci.edu
Fri Feb 6 23:43:42 EST 2004

>>This entire thread begs the question: Why are you recursing this deep?
>>It would be faster to iterate.
> The algorithm calls for it: Tarjan's algorithm for finding the
> Strongly-Connected Component (SCC) of a graph.  If there is an equally
> efficient iterative approach, I'd like to hear of it.
> I don't think I need to recurse to depth 1,000,000 , but definitely higher
> than 7k.

Any recursive algorithm can be unrolled into an iterative version.  The 
below is fairly generic, and relies on locals() being sane.

def blah():
     stack = []
     #set up initial local variables
     a = dict(locals())
     del a['a']
     del a['stack']
     while stack:
         #do what you need for this loop
         if need_to_recurse:
             #save previous state
             a = dict(locals())
             del a['a']
             del a['stack']
             #save new local state
             a = dict(locals())
             del a['a']
             del a['stack']
         #recursion will happen automatically

  - Josiah

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