XML Parsing

Chris Herborth chrish at cryptocard.com
Mon Feb 16 08:32:42 EST 2004

Tyler Eaves wrote:

> 	Right now I'm using xml.dom.minidom for parsing some xml files. It
> 	works, certainly, but the speed leaves a bit to be desired. Are there
> 	any other XML modules that offer the same interface minidom does, but
> 	are faster? Things like validation are not a big deal for me, as all
> 	the XML is generated by my own programs, so I'm not worried about
> 	malformed documents.

PyXML on Sourceforge (http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/) has faster 
DOM-producing routines.

pyRXP (http://www.reportlab.org/pyrxp.html) is probably the fastest XML 
parser for Python, but it doesn't produce a DOM or have a SAX API... it 
produces tuple-based output that's easy enough to dig through in Python.

I'm probably going to be working on a pyRXP -> DOM translator (I've got an 
existing DOM app that uses XPath; I don't want to rewrite it to use tuples), 
but no idea if/when it'll be in a working state.

Chris Herborth                                     chrish at cryptocard.com
Documentation Overlord, CRYPTOCard Corp.      http://www.cryptocard.com/
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.

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