Foundations of computing languages (was: How does Ruby compare to Python?? How good is DESIGN of Rubycompared to Python?)

Cameron Laird claird at
Wed Feb 25 22:49:11 EST 2004

In article <t5fq30l29nidjh1tsksm8jlld03ff3av5o at>,
Stephen Horne  <steve at> wrote:
>separated - hence a lot of the OO fuss. Currying is standard in
>functional languages. But currying predates object orientation by a
>long time. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was invented about a century
>ago as math (lambda calculus) rather than as programming, though I
>could easily be confused.
Ouch!  I'm old enough to take some of this personally.
Unless you're making some extremely recondite point
(about Skolem's influences?), "a century" is too rough
an approximation for me.  Church and Kleene introduced
the lambda calculus in the '30s; Schoenfinkel, then 
Curry, invented currying the decade before.

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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