xmlprclib/server not reusing connections

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Tue Feb 24 19:45:04 EST 2004

Roger Binns wrote:

>>You might have better luck with Twisted http://twistedmatrix.com/.
> I did look at twisted but really don't like it.  In particular I really
> don't like the event driven code, that has to add callbacks and
> deal with partial state when called.
> That is certainly the right way to do things if you want to avoid
> using threads.  It is however complicated and convoluted.

True and false at the same time.
While it is internally the right thing to do (better to say, it
is what actually happens, internally), it is not the best way
to write it.

This is why I developed Stackless Python.
It behaves in a similar way, acting like many callbacks,
but you +write* your code in the most natural way possible.
In a way, Stackless takes all the clumsy state keeping stuff
away from the programmer and frees his mind to write simple
top-down programs with no callbacks.
This approach has even been tested with Zope. You can write
a simple loop that sends Web pages to the user, without leaving
the loop. Internally, of course it is left, the whole program is
pickled, and restored on the next request. But you write a single
script, no methods which have to seek for state, do something, and
encode state, again.

I'm thinking of a talk about Stackless on EuroPython 2004:
"Stackless Python and the Death of the Reactive Pattern". :-)

Note that Christopher Armstrong is working on
a Stackless Reactor for Twisted!

I think, when that thing is ready, it will give both Twisted
and Stackless a boost of popularity and usability.

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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