calling Pyrex results from C

Kyler Laird Kyler at
Wed Feb 4 16:11:56 EST 2004

Paul Prescod <paul at> writes:

>  1. How is your teacher going to react when you hand in obfuscated-ish 
>  C code that depends on the whole Python interpreter _and_ PIL?

Shhh...don't tell anyone.
	Grades for ECE661 as of Wed Feb  4 15:01:35 2004
	Name                                                 hw1   hw2
	----                                               ----- -----
	Maximums:                                          100.0 100.0
	Laird, Kyler                                       100.0 100.0
	Class Average:                                      93.8  86.6
	Class Standard Deviation:                           20.1  24.3

This is Computer Vision, not Introduction to Pointers and Memory Allocation.
Pyrex frees me to concentrate on the course material.

(And I *need* to concentrate on the course material.  I'm in a class full of
incredibly smart people with a lot more background in the subject.  Pyrex
helps me keep up with them.  So does only taking one class and investing
ridiculous amounts of time on the homework.)

Thanks again for helping me avoid C.

Now to write some "thinning" code...


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