bsddb.dbshelve problem unpickling objects from another directory

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Mon Feb 2 18:44:08 EST 2004

> Thank you for your quick answer. But, this very much limits the way
> persistent objects can be used. Objects can apparently only be used in the
> context they were created. There is a logic to this, but it is also strange
> to me. Is there a way that upickled objects can also be used outside there
> original context?

I don't know.  If I were put into a situation like that, I'd probably 
just go and do this where necessary:

import sys
sys.path.append('<path to database module>')

import testmodule

Sure, it mangles paths, but then everything has the same context and 
will work.

  - Josiah

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