Python can't divide??!?!

Christoph Pingel ch.pingel at
Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 EST 2004

Same here, on Mac OS 9:

Python 2.3 (#155, Jul 30 2003, 23:48:32)  [CW] on mac
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>>>  2.4/4

>3 / 5        0                       Fair enough, int / int = int
>3 / 5.0      0.59999999999999998     eh?
>3.0 / 3      0.59999999999999998     ummmm...
>3.0 / 5.0    0.59999999999999998     how did I guess...
>That's just an example. Python cannot divide. Period. If you try 1.0 / 3 you
>get 0.33333333333333331, and from this, the above example, and a few tests,
>I speculate that *something* is subtracting 2 from the last digit *after*
>the division is done.

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