Python vs. Io

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Sun Feb 1 14:19:29 EST 2004

Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:

>>Perhaps it isn't more flexible.  On the other hand, it does allow anyone 
>>to read your code and know that there isn't any magical syntax that is 
>>usable on one Python x.y installation, that isn't on another.

As mentioned by Sean Ross, I was talking about Python x.y compatibility 
with other copies of version x.y.  With the way you describe IO, it 
encourages people to customize flow control and syntax.  Such 
customization does not necessarily increase readability, usability, or 
write-once-run-anywhere with IO version u.v.  It may also fragment the 
language in the long run into different camps; those that like the slim 
version, and those that like a version with every modification they can 

  - Josiah

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