No Thoughts about Everything

Arthur ajsiegel at
Wed Feb 25 12:11:55 EST 2004

On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 08:55:45 -0700, "Dave Brueck"
<dave at> wrote:

>class Foo:
>  BAR = 10
>Voila! BAR is now a "class constant" - shared among all instances of the class
>Foo (in theory it's not a constant, but in practice it is :) ).

But not 'final'. 
 I am only anticipating a response.

IMO - if I am understanidng the issues correctly - it is a perfectly
adequate solution.  Simple to get across to beginners..

The issue of making the constant 'final' is a production programming
issue.  And whether Python does or does not need it is not an issue
relative to teaching beginners.  The fact that production programming
concerns are introduced  at that stage of the game is, I think, where
many who would otherwise have an intellectual intererst in programming
fall of the wagon.  Wanting to understand programming and wanting to
be a production programmer can be very different things.

I know not to change "PI" into something PI isn't. No one needs to
explain that to me. Adding that I couldn't even if I wanted to -
that's nice.

Though, as Dennis Miller likes to sign-off:

I could be wrong.



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