dlls and distutils

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 4 12:58:23 EST 2004

I want to create a python extension module with a win32 installer.
The package has several other libraries that it depends on, which I
would like to bundle with the extension module.

I see two ways to go

  1) distribute the other dlls with my ext module as install_data.  If
     I go this route, where should they be put?  I don't want to put
     them into the windows system dir and ideally would like to avoid
     having the user set a path.

  2) Ideally, I would like to build my DLL with the other library code
     statically linked in.  But I'm not sure how to do this.  

Any tips or pointers to docs appreciated,
John Hunter

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