How to obscure a password

Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Thu Feb 26 17:02:24 EST 2004

Peter Hansen wrote:

#- Is it that you're going to be sending this password to a 
#- remote system,
#- so basically you've got a utility which allows storing the password
#- locally so that a user doesn't have to retype it but can still access
#- the remote system?  (If that's the case, you could title this utility
#- "security-removal-tool" because that's what it is.  Your 
#- call though...)

That's right. It's a simple program that use pygoogle to get the word spell
correctly, and we need to pass through a proxy to reach internet.

If the user wants to store his password scrambled in his local disk (I'll
inform him about security issues) or to retype everytime his password, it's
his call.

.	Facundo

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