Best way to create a Dictionary from file of Key-Value pairs?

vincent wehren vincent at
Sun Feb 29 16:03:30 EST 2004

"Equis Uno" <ir4u4 at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:692feddd.0402291222.6f2d619e at
| Hi,
| Assume I'm given a 100k file full of key-value pairs:
| date,value
| 26-Feb-04,36.47
| 25-Feb-04,36.43
| 24-Feb-04,36.30
| 23-Feb-04,37.00
| 20-Feb-04,37.00
| 19-Feb-04,37.87
| What is the best way to copy this data into a Dictionary object?

If it suffices ro generate a "string-to-string mapping", you could do:

>>> d = {}
>>> for line in file("infile"):
        k, v  = line.rstrip().split(",")
        d[k] = v

This will give you:

{'20-Feb-04': '37.00', '19-Feb-04': '37.87', '26-Feb-04': '36.47',
'23-Feb-04': '37.00', '25-Feb-04': '36.43', '24-Feb-04': '36.30'}

Vincent Wehren

| -moi

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